Who am I

"When I was young, all we ever heard about was functionalism, functionalism, functionalism. It’s not enough. Design should also be sensual and exciting".


a Short Bio

Lisandro Carrasco was born in Tucumán, Argentina in 1986. After studying Interior Design at the National University of Tucumán (UNT), he began collaborating with several design studios in 2015 in Buenos Aires, focusing his attention on interior design and industrial design, In 2019 he moved to Quito, Ecuador and founded the brand Don Nadie and opened the studio at Romo & Moro in 2022 together with Mono Alvarado. Today, Studio Moro & Romo focuses on its own projects, handling both art direction and object and surface design work for private and corporate clients alike.

s Interests / Experiences

  • Industrial Design 
  • Art Direction 
  • Art and Design Theory and History 
  • Director of Photographic Production 

u Teaching Experience

Student Assistant and Coordinator for Practical Work, Visual Language 1 and 2

Interior Design Program, Design Department

National University of Tucumán / Tucumán – Argentina, 2014